Saturday, November 05, 2011

Week 6...

This week was a strange week for me...

  I am 168 hours (14 days) into my preceptorship at Mary Bridge Children's Hospital .   I am grateful for my time working there.  You are probably sick of me saying that but I truly am.   I feel like I am doing some good out there in this world,  if that makes any sense to anyone.    This week has been especially tough for me with maintaining my feelings and emotions from "stuff" that happens at the hospital with some of the children.

This week I worked an extra shift (so 3 days) in order to get done with my preceptorship before thanksgiving weekend.

Day 12- Tuesday

Today I took the role of Charge Nurse as my preceptor was charge nurse for that day.  Not only did I have to deal with nurses schedules, admits/discharges/ bed placement, transfers etc but drama on the Nurse staff. Being in charge is fun but has it draw backs.  I think I will wait a few years to go into management lol..  It was a very interesting experience on Tuesday.

Day 13- Wednesday

My Preceptor changed shifts with another nurse so I got to work with another nurse.   At shift handoff and while doing beside report, we realized a patient needed a little extra help (wont go into details of course) so the patient was transferred back to the Pediatric ICU.  NO fun!  The patient load this day was extremely busy and I was grateful.  The day was filled with new experiences and the nurse I worked with was great in helping me learn new things.  I did end up doing 2 discharges and 1 admit this day.

Day 14- Friday

My preceptor was charge nurse again.  I felt it was better I go back on the floor instead of helping her charge.  Yet again I worked with another nurse.  The difference was she wasn't too happy to have a student at her side.  She would not let me give her patients meds.  (ok by end of day she did let me give a tube feeding and give some Tylenol ha!).   She was not very comfortable with having a student at all, and to be honest I was a little perturbed about that because I am their to learn not sit around doing CNA work.  However, I do understand why she did it.  Its her career not mine, the day was busy and she just wanted to do things herself.

I did get a lesson on how to manage your emotions of  some sad reasons why kids come into the hospital.  :(    I won't go into details but it was a good lesson on not allowing my own emotions get to me and cloud my judgement during the day. I did teared up all the way home over the situation and just wished I could do more. The pediatric world is full of wonderful things and NOT so wonderful things.  Sadly those not so wonderful things are extremely not so wonderful which saddens me.  

Anyways.  This week is done.  Onto week 7...

Week 7's goals:  (Work T, F, S)

-I had my mid quarter review and my preceptor and clinical school instructor said it was time for me to take a full patient load with my nurse just watching and correcting me. :)  Sounds good to me.

Goal 1:  Take full patient load- YAY!!

Goal 2:  Document better

Goal 3;  Get my teaching project finished and set up at the hospital (doing it on "the nurses role in therapeutic play for the hospitalize child"

Goal 4:  Get my resume finished so I can start applying to jobs.  I was searching today and there are a few jobs open in Mary Bridge, Seattle Childrens and some of the other hospitals and clinics in the area.

Goal 5: Finish up all my school work

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