Monday, January 26, 2009

Sick girl...

Yah you heard me right. I was sick this Whole entire weekend.  My throat started hurting on Friday night when I was at work and through the night it got worse and started to have a cough and temp.  My lungs hurt so bad right now but my fever is gone.  


I was trying to figure out why I have been getting so sick a lot recently.  I came to the conclusion that my body is not use to all the sickness in the "work world" adding on top of the fact that I work in a hospital where everyone is sick. LOL Hopefully my body will decide to make immunities to everything I am being exposed too.  SOON LOL.  Anyway's...that is all for today...


Anonymous said...
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Anonymous said...

I'm glad you're feeling better, well, at least to blog!

amy2522 said...

Hi Jim & Kari-
I sent you an X-Mas card, but it came back to me. Guess you guys have moved. Please send me your new address. Hope all is well with you and your family!
Amy Goulette