Monday, November 17, 2008

The Gay Inquisition

There is no other way of stating what is currently happening to Mormons who exercised their Constitutional rights and participated in the California proposition process.  Here in Seattle, IndyMedia is staging a protest at a private home intending to disrupt the "family time" of a private citizen. 

The vile, venom and outright lies in the protest request are downright disgusting.  The harassment activities and destruction of property cross far over the border of any amendment rights and makes me angry.

In contrast, here is the LDS response

I personally would have voted yes to protect the definition of traditional marriage.  I also believe in equal rights for Gays and Gay unions and feel the Gay community should re-direct its activities to work towards a solution amenable to both sides. 

To claim a violation of one's rights, as the Gay community is doing, you typically have a better argument if you refrain from openly and publicly violating the rights of other private citizens.


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