Wednesday, September 24, 2008

Wednesday whining...

Let see...

1.  Titan, my male weimaraner,  stepped on something last night causing a huge gash in his paw.   He ran through my house got ALL the carpets bloody in almost the whole entire house because I did not notice he was bleeding at first.   UGH.   That is not all the UGH's of the situation.   Went to the vet today because the gash is extensive and it is going to cost up $613 bucks to have the dang thing fixed.    I don't know about you but I usually would never spend 600 dollars on a dang dog, but it right in a spot where is has a high probability of getting infected and will not heal. UGH...   I need dog insurance.  HEHE.   

2.  My house is a mess because I keep on having doctor, dentist, and every appointment in the book that makes me not available to clean.   I thought I had time this morning until the dog thing happened...

3.  My psychology class did start and I have read the first Chapter.   To be honest I think some (not all) of the ideas in this book are a load of crock but hey I am doing what I have to do to get into nursing school.

5.  The kids keep bringing home fundraisers for us to do and I keep on sending them right back to their teachers  via their backpacks.  This time it was one of those huge $20.00 books.  Who has time to fundraise when we don't even have time to clean a house.  :)  Plus I am anti-fundraisers... I would rather pay.  

6.  Football/Cheer practice is just getting way to much.  Luckily we have only a month left.   It leaves us with no time for anything all week long.   

7.   Why do sports have to play on Sundays sometimes?  Ok People out there, have we ever heard of a day of "rest"?.    EJ and TJ made a select Lacrosse team but the only problem is  all the practices and games are on sunday.   What is up with that?   So sad to say they are both not going to participate.  

Ok enough of whining.... Chao for now.  

On a good note: Today is EJ's first track meet. He made the varsity relay team - 4 x 200. WOW. I am going down to sumner tonight to see him compete. :) (ok so this is not a whine but I thought i would include it because I have to think of something good that happened today :) )



Kari i am there with you on #1spending money on a dog? who wouda thunk we could love them so much. FYI they do have animal insurance!

#5 fundraisers at my house just go back too.

Mom's Library said...

Today im catching up on reading my friends blogs and its refreshing to see your just as busy as the rest of us, if not more! Going to school for yourself. Now, all the children are in school. I guess there are no plans for more? They are all so cute. Neat to see your crew of sport lovers. If we ever get our kids together Im sure they will have a fun time playing ball.
- Bev