Monday, September 29, 2008

Look your name up on the internet....

I am up doing my Psychology homework, which I hate btw,  and could not help but look up my name on google.   You would be amazed at how many pages my name brings up...   Am I that popular.  :)   Nah I just have many blogs, facebooks, and even the news clip from KOMO 4 news when we did that news piece about roll over accidents with AJ.   There is a whole bunch of different websites that added that clip to their websites.  The clip is even on a personal injury lawyers website ugh...  

So now you know why I abbreviate my kids name on my blog...  A few month ago when I used my kids full names I decided to look up their names on google and I found their name all over the internet.  Since I have abbreviated I do not find their names anymore.   

Well anyones, it's late and I have nothing else to talk about so I better get to bed.  Man I need to find more things to talk about.  Anyone that knows me well knows that I can talk an ear off.  HEHE  

1 comment:

Michele said...

So you don't like psychology huh? I find it absolutely facinating!