Sunday, October 30, 2011

Week 5 done...

Wow I can't believe I only have 9 days left.  I just finished my 132nd hour today (day 11) preceptoring at Mary Bridge .   Yes,  my 3 days in a row week plus my class on Wednesday made it a LONG week.  

But I can't help but BE GRATEFUL  for my experiences I am having at the hospital.  

Everyday on my long drive home, I FEEL God's Hand in the experiences I had that day.

 The smiles from those SWEET children make my day! The LIGHT in their little eyes make me wonder how much they know. 

The cancer patient who looks you in the eyes, holds your face and tells you what beautiful blue eyes you have.   SO simple of a statement from a child that is suffering. So ELEGANT.  A child like love that SEPARATES a child from an adult. 

For 3 days, I helped children feel comfortable, feel loved, and HOPEFULLY made their burdens LIGHTER (including family).  

So many of these children are in and out of the hospital.  TRYING to figure out what is going on.
Their youth HELPS them deal with things. 

I REMEMBER being there once, when my OWN child spend months in and out of hospital recovering from a rupture appendix not caught in time.  I so needed my families burden lightened!

SO I try to PAY IT FORWARD and ease their (families also) many burdens....

I hold the babies in the nursing station to relieve TIRED Mommies and Daddies from long hospital stays.

I sit on the floor  to play with little children WHILE I monitor them and give them their meds.  

I let them help me...  Listening to MY heart and taking caps off things are a favorite past time.  The blood pressures button is the favorite button to push.  

All in hopes.... 

that they can feel apart of what is happening in their lives, to ease their burden and give good care!

They are my little helpers and for that....

I am extremely grateful

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