Thursday, March 26, 2009

I am officially a parent of a Teenage..AHHHHHHHH

On March 18th, I officially became a parent of a teenager. OMG O_O. My baby EJ turned 13. I still am in a little shock as time has gone by so dang fast. I remember the day I gave birth to him and was overcome with love, joy, emotions over this little bundle of joy that was in my arms.

He is a wonderful son full of love for others and is such a good worker, babysitter, and very smart.

I never told you the story of our baby boys miracle. People whom are close to me know that my baby could have died when he was barely 5. He had acute Appenditis that was not caught in time. My poor little guys had suffered 10 days with a burst appendix and abscessed throughout his whole abdominal cavity the size of grapefruits. He is lucky to be alive!!! After a whole summer of hospital stays he only have scars to remind us of the traumatic but miraculous experience. He is a of may miracles that have happened in my family.

He is my baby, and I want him to know that I love him more then anything. We are truly blessed to have him in our family.

Happy Birthday EJ!!!

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