Tuesday, October 14, 2008

Oh scared me to death..

Yesterday I got a call from Rae's drama teacher saying she did not make it to drama club after school. To be honest I was kind of mad because I thought that meant that she had forgotten and she was on her way home on the bus. We had a football scrimmage for CJ in sumner that we had to leave for by 4:30 so I didn't want to have to take her back to the school and then be late for the game. So when only CJ got off the bus I became worried and called the drama teacher back to ask if Rae had shown up to play practice. In which she answered. "no" and then started to ask the girls in the club if they has seen Rae.
So I called the school office to see if she was still in her classroom or if she got hung up somewhere else. The school office could not find her and called the bus garage to see if she had taken another bus home. At this point I am panicing because now my daughter was missing. I handed to phone to James while I grabbed my cell and rushed over to the school to search for her. All the way to the school I was in tears hoping that some psychopath did not abduct her or something. Man was I a mess. I ran into the school hoping to find my baby girl. The office people where still talking to James at that point and then got off the phone with him and told me they had made a mistake. I guess there are 2 Sydney's in the drama club and the other sydney was the one that never came. My Rae was still in drama, happy as can be as I looked in on her. The drama teacher messed up and call the wrong home and the other Sydney went home on the bus just fine while my Rae went responsibly to here drama class. She came running to me and gave me a big hug and told me she loved me...I just couldn't help but give her a bear hug and told her I loved her more then she would ever know. I couldn't even imagine life without this wonderful girl.

So please schools do not scare the bejebbies out of me again. I don't know if my heart could take a call like that again.


MerriLynn said...

wow! that would be scarey! I am glad that is was found safe and sound.

Anonymous said...

Nothing freaks out a mom more than not knowing where her kids are! I hope you got a free month of lessons out of it! ;)

StraightAs said...

I can't imagine how scary!