Ok so today I found out that one of my older boys has had a girlfriend since the end of last school year.. HELLO. He, who will not be named (ok Harry potter theme here), decided to hide this fact from James and I plus even his other brother who is in the same school as him. The sad part is I found some uhmmm questionable dialogue in his email. I am not a snoopy mother mind you, yes I look at his email occasionally but not enough to have caught this. I just happened to be on his computer today because everyone was on mine and his email happened to come up when I pulled up yahoo (was going to look at mine). So I looked and boy am I glad I did. I can't believe how forward this girl is and that she even thinks about the VERY inappropriate stuff she sends "he who will not be named"...
So my question is what would you do?
I did talk to him but my brain is still a little shocked on this girls forward and inappropriate way she talks to him. Now I am trying to figure out how I handle this. Any thoughts? At the moment I just told him that I did not like the dialogue, it's inappropriateness, and not to let it happen again. Is that the right move? This is kind of a scary for me... MY kids having girlfriends.. ugh Ok knew this time would come soon enough but please keep this away for a few more years..PLEASE...
Where are the computers located in the house? We set certain time limits in the control panel and S.can only be on line at certain times. She knows we monitor what she is emailing also. The time constraints a good chore motivators! good luck!
i would TOTALLY use this opportunity to talk to him, but not in a "you're in trouble" way, but more of a "what do we believe and what do we want to known for" way.
i teach yw and we had a great lesson that talks about dating decisions, etc. you should read it! it was yw manual 3, lesson 35 "dating decisions". they have some neat quotes that might make him think twice. (too bad this girl couldn't have had the lesson, huh?)
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