Wednesday, September 10, 2008

Trip to Oregon Coast

I thought this was the best picture of the kids burying EJ. Labor Day weekend we took a trip to the Oregon coast and stayed at a hotel with a ocean front view. Grandma and Grandpa V came with us on this trip. It was a great extended weekend.

I have so many pictures I just could not pick out which one I liked the best so I added them all to the slideshow so they all can be viewed.

Our trip included trips to tide pools, the beach, a nearby lighthouse and a 6 hour deep sea fishing trip. We had a great time considering I got sick on the fishing trip from sea sickness. I was so sick the whole trip that I was pucking the whole time. UGH. EJ was a little sick to by half way into the trip and TJ pucked at the end too. Grandma caught, I think, 10 red snapper, while James came in Second with 8 fish. EJ caught I think 4, Grandpa and Syd caught 3. And little old me caught 0 because I was laying down the whole trip. Thus no pictures of the trip. :) I should get some from Grandma and Grandpa they must have a few pictures. :)

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