Monday, September 22, 2008

Monday moments

Our weekend went well…

1.   We went to CJ, TJ and Rae’s football games. 

Rae cheer her little heart out for CJ’s team.  She is such a good cheerleader.  She was picked to call the cheers and she loved every minute of it.  

CJ’s was a side liner in this games because he plays as a silverbullet (a 7 year old).  The silverbullets do not get much playing time except for half time.   The sad part is, the other team only had 16 kids so they did not have a half time play.   CJ did not care at all, actually I think he was relieved he did not have to play. 

TJ now on the other had plays right/left linebacker and played the whole game.   The boy has the bruises to show it too.   His finger got stepped on, he got kicked in the chest(which did bleed), got hit in the arm creating a goosebump and a good size bruise and  someone kicked his leg.  Poor boy.   He was so tired on Saturday night that he instantly went right to bed.  HEHE.   Even with all his bumps, scrapes and bruises he still loves the game.  I swear he made 2/3rds of the tackles the whole game…at least 1/2 anyway's.  

2.   It is sad when your 4 year old asks you for a RED IPOD for Christmas.  Uhmm have I spoiled my kids to much.  Most 4 years olds should not even know or care what Ipod is.  AJ asked me for it as I was setting up his computer to play .  

3.  Today I start my Psychology class.  I have enjoyed the break in school so I am dreading going back especially for a psychology class.   I am retaking this class from my no as good grades in my Ricks College era.   I have to sign on to the class after this.   It’s an online class, forget going into school for a class I am going to loath.  

4.   Pushing myself to start exercising today.   My goal for this week is to run 2 miles M-W-F and then go climb Mount Peak on T-TH while AJ is in preschool.   Anyone wanna join me on climbing a mountain?  Its not to bad.  The mothers at football all go up there during practice time and it only takes an 1 hour to go up and down he mount.  


Thats all for now.  I need to go make a list for all the things I have to do today.  :)   Chao


Rebecca said...

i loved my phsychology class... i thought it was a nice break from all the economic and accounting classes i took!

oh! and i keep telling myself i'm going to start working out "real soon"... hmmm....

Anonymous said...

Wow! You've got your hands full. Looks like I'll pass on the mountain thing - I'd rather climb a treadmill! ;)